For Agencies

Create process diagrams that help sell your work

Puzzle is the #1 tool to create beautiful and easy-to-understand process and system diagrams that help sell your work and get client buy-in over and over again.

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Scope projects with clarity

Show your clients the value you bring to the table

Clients don’t buy what they can’t understand. Show them the future state version of their processes, don’t just tell them. Processes can be improve endlessly, show your clients where they can take their operations to the next level using Puzzle. organization image team collaboration

Build a repository for your intellectual property

Let your clients build their dream process with you

Your automations, processes, and system configurations are your IP, but to monetize your IP you need to show it off. Because once it's out of your brain,  your clients can shop your expertise, clients will see your expertise, so they buy your expertise.

Quantify your work's impact

Get clients coming back to you for all future projects

If you say you improve processes, then you should be able to prove it. The issue is calculating the exact savings for process is really hard. But now Puzzle does it automatically — the only diagram that helps you sell your work and show your value. dashboard image
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Watch a pre-recorded demo!

Build diagrams clients actually understand

It's time to ditch the everything whiteboards like Whimsical, Miro and Lucidchart and start diagramming with a tool that actually helps you communicate and sell your agency's value.

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